Monday, January 16, 2012

Thyroid Cancer on the Rise As Radiation Disasters Continue to ...

The Intel Hub
January 16, 2012

New National Cancer Institute statistics show at least a 6% rise in thyroid cancer throughout the United States as mainstream doctors debate the cause.

As radiation disasters continue to mount, doctors around the United States are wondering why we have seen a sharp increase in thyroid cancer in recent years.

Even before the major meltdowns in Fukushima, lax EPA standards and NRC regulations have allowed nuclear power plants within the United States to release certain types of radioactive isotopes on a daily basis yet we are supposed to believe that doctors do not know why there has been an increase in thyroid cancer?

A recent USA Today article highlighted the increase:

National Cancer Institute statistics suggest that in recent years the number of cases of this often curable cancer has increased by about 6.5%. Over a decade, that has added up to make thyroid cancer the fastest-increasing cancer, says Tod Huntley, an otolaryngologist and head and neck surgeon with the Center for Ear, Nose, Throat and Allergy in Indianapolis.

?Ten years ago, if I saw four new thyroid cancer patients a year, it would have been a lot,? says G. Irene Minor, a radiation oncologist with Indiana University Health Central Indiana Cancer Center. ?Now sometimes I see that many in a month, and I have seen three in a week.?

As officials continue to ignore the dangers posed by the many nuclear power plants in America cancer numbers will continue to rise and nuclear apologists will continue to claim that their is no connection to the deadly radiation they release and the rise in certain types of cancer rates.

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