Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Drops First Aid: Knowledge You Need to Save a Life Right in Your Pocket

Of all the things you never leave home without, your phone is usually somewhere near the top of that list, ready to whip out at a moments notice. You keep all your most vital information on it: birthdays, important meetings, reminders, beloved images, what have you?but all of this is worthless without the people behind each of these things. And Drops First Aid for iOS wants to make sure that your phone helps you keep them around too?or strangers, for that matter.




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Bon Jovi to Bieber: Don't be an @#$% to fans


13 hours ago

IMAGE: Jon Bon Jovi

Getty Images

Jon Bon Jovi performs in April.

Jon Bon Jovi's been in the music business since before Justin Bieber was born, and the older rocker has some advice for the younger one: Don't be an (expletive) to your fans.

Bieber, 19, was reportedly two hours late taking the stage for a London concert in March, though the singer blamed technical difficulties and says he was just 40 minutes late.

"Every generation has guys that do that, none of that is new," Bon Jovi, 51, told the London Evening Standard. "They run the risk of disrespecting their audience members who have worked hard to pay for their ticket, to give you the permission to take two or three hours of their lives ? or in that kid?s case, 80 minutes of their lives.

?Do it once, you can be forgiven," the singer warned. "Do it enough times and shame on you. They won?t have you back. Then it just becomes a clich?. It?s really not cool ? you?re an (expletive). Go to (expletive) work!?

Bon Jovi spoke to the paper about an upcoming July 5 concert in London's Hyde Park that will lack guitarist Richie Sambora. Sambora missed 13 concerts in 2011 because he was in rehab for alcohol abuse, and Canadian session musician Phil X took his place. Bon Jovi suggested similar reasons are behind Sambora's absence this year.

"It?s getting more and more difficult every day to not just sit here and say something," he told the paper. "Because all I can say is this ? it?s for personal reasons. He?s been through it before, fortunately for us the same guy who filled in last time was available this time."


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Monday, May 20, 2013

UK Sees Surge in Measles

More than a decade ago, British parents refused to give measles shots to at least a million children because of now discredited research that linked the vaccine to autism. Now, health officials are scrambling to catch up and stop a growing epidemic of the contagious disease.

This year, the U.K. has had more than 1,200 cases of measles, after a record number of nearly 2,000 cases last year. The country once recorded only several dozen cases every year. It now ranks second in Europe, behind only Romania.

Last month, emergency vaccination clinics were held every weekend in Wales, the epicenter of the outbreak. Immunization drives have also started elsewhere in the country, with officials aiming to reach 1 million children aged 10 to 16.

"This is the legacy of the Wakefield scare," said Dr. David Elliman, spokesman for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, referring to a paper published in 1998 by Andrew Wakefield and colleagues that is widely rejected by scientists.

That work suggested a link between autism and the combined childhood vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella, called the MMR. Several large scientific studies failed to find any connection, the theory was rejected by at least a dozen major U.K. medical groups and the paper was eventually retracted by the journal that published it.

Britain's top medical board stripped Wakefield of the right to practice medicine in the U.K., ruling that he and two of his colleagues showed a "callous disregard" for the children in the study, subjecting them to unnecessary, invasive tests. As part of his research, Wakefield took blood samples from children at his son's birthday party, paying them about 5 pounds each ($7.60), and later joked about the incident.

Still, MMR immunization rates plummeted across the U.K. as fearful parents abandoned the vaccine ? from rates over 90 percent to 54 percent. Wakefield has won support from parents suspicious of vaccines, including Hollywood celebrities like Jenny McCarthy, who has an autistic son.

Nearly 15 years later, the rumors about MMR are still having an impact. Now there's "this group of older children who have never been immunized who are a large pool of infections," Elliman said.

The majority of those getting sick in the U.K. ? including a significant number of older children and teens ? had never been vaccinated. Almost 20 of the more than 100 seriously ill children have been hospitalized and 15 have suffered complications including pneumonia and meningitis. One adult with measles has died, though it's unclear if it was the disease that killed him.

The first measles vaccines were introduced in the 1960s, which dramatically cut cases of the rash-causing illness. Since 2001, measles deaths have dropped by about 70 percent worldwide; Cambodia recently marked more than a year without a single case.

Globally, though, measles is still one of the leading causes of death in children under 5 and kills more than 150,000 people every year, mostly in developing countries. Measles is highly contagious and is spread by coughing, sneezing and close personal contact with infected people; symptoms include a fever, cough, and a rash on the face.

Across the U.K., about 90 percent of children under 5 are vaccinated against measles and have received the necessary two doses of the vaccine. But among children now aged 10 to 16, the vaccination rate is slightly below 50 percent in some regions.


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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Monkey killer: 7-year sentence for Boise man

Monkey killer 7-year sentence: Michael Watkins was sentenced to 7 years for breaking into a Boise zoo and killing a monkey. But he will likely be eligible for release after 9-12 months.

By Todd Dvorak,?Associated Press / May 18, 2013

A man convicted of breaking into a Boise zoo last fall and brutally beating to death one of two Patas monkeys was sentenced to up to 7 years in prison. But he has been ordered to spend nine to 12-months in a treatment program at a state prison.

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Michael Watkins, 22, was sentenced Thursday for his role in the Nov. 17 crime that caused shock and outrage in Idaho's capitol city and beyond.

Watkins pleaded guilty in March to felony attempted grand theft for illegally entering the zoo, built in a city park a few blocks from the downtown, and animal cruelty, a misdemeanor under state law.

Fourth District Judge Lynn G. Norton rejected defense attorney requests that Watkins deserved probation and would be punished enough by the shame of being "forever known as the man who killed the monkey at Zoo Boise."

Instead, Norton said she wanted a punishment that fits the crime, and Watkins was sentenced Thursday to serve up to 7 years in prison for attempted grand theft. But the judge placed him on retained jurisdiction, meaning he will first serve a nine- to 12-month treatment program that could make him eligible for release afterward. This was a sentence that the judge said could allow the young father of a seven-month old child to turn his life around.

Prosecutors say Watkins, fueled by a night of excessive drinking at downtown bars with a friend, broke into the zoo with a plan to capture one of the monkeys. Once inside, he manipulated a lock to get into the primate enclosure and removed the Patas monkey by wrapping it in his jacket and tried throwing it over a fence, according to court records.

But the monkey resisted, tried running away and a chase through a small section of the zoo ensued. Ultimately, Watkins lost control of the situation and resorted to violence, kicking the monkey and clubbing it multiple times in the head and upper body and leaving it to die from those injuries, Ada County Deputy Attorney Shawna Dunn said in court Thursday.

The monkey's death stirred shock and outrage in the community, but also traumatized zoo employees who tended to the Patas pair, zoo officials said. It also caused concern about the welfare of the survivor because Patas monkeys are extremely social and the prospect of having it live alone prompted zoo administrators to find a new home or others to adopt. Ultimately, the Rosamund Gifford Zoo in Syracuse, New York, donated two companions in December.

Copyright 2013 The Associated Press.


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SKorea says NKorea fires 3 short-range missiles

A South Korean man watches a TV news reporting missile launch conducted by North Korea, at a Seoul Train Station in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, May 18, 2013. North Korea fired three short-range guided missiles into its eastern waters on Saturday, a South Korean official said. It routinely tests such missiles, but the latest launches came during a period of tentative diplomacy aimed at easing tensions. The letters at a screen read " Fired three short-range guided missiles." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

A South Korean man watches a TV news reporting missile launch conducted by North Korea, at a Seoul Train Station in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, May 18, 2013. North Korea fired three short-range guided missiles into its eastern waters on Saturday, a South Korean official said. It routinely tests such missiles, but the latest launches came during a period of tentative diplomacy aimed at easing tensions. The letters at a screen read " Fired three short-range guided missiles." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

South Koreans watch TV news showing a footage of North Korean missiles on a military parade, at a Seoul Train Station in Seoul, South Korea, Saturday, May 18, 2013. North Korea fired three short-range guided missiles into its eastern waters on Saturday, a South Korean official said. It routinely tests such missiles, but the latest launches came during a period of tentative diplomacy aimed at easing tensions. (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)

Portraits of the late North Korean leaders Kim Il Sung, left, and Kim Jong Il hang on the outside of a building in central Pyongyang, North Korea, on Saturday, May 18, 2013. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)

(AP) ? North Korea fired three short-range guided missiles into its eastern waters on Saturday, a South Korean official said. It routinely tests such missiles, but the latest launches came during a period of tentative diplomacy aimed at easing tensions.

The North fired two missiles Saturday morning and another in the afternoon, South Korean Defense Ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok said by phone. He said the North's intent was unclear. His ministry said it is watching North Korea carefully in case it conducts a provocation against South Korea.

In March, North Korea launched what appeared to be two KN-02 missiles off its east coast. Experts believe the country is trying to improve the range and accuracy of its arsenal.

North Korea recently withdrew two mid-range "Musudan" missiles believed to be capable of reaching Guam after moving them to its east coast earlier this year, U.S. officials said. The North is banned from testing ballistic missiles under U.N. Security Council resolutions.

Earlier this year, North Korea threatened nuclear strikes on Seoul and Washington because of annual U.S.-South Korean military drills and U.N. sanctions imposed over its third nuclear test in February. The drills ended late last month. This past month, the U.S. and South Korea ended another round of naval drills involving a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier off the east coast. North Korea calls such drills preparation to invade the North.

Analysts say the recent North Korean threats were partly an attempt to push Washington to agree to disarmament-for-aid talks.

In response to Saturday's missile test, the U.S. said threats or provocations will only further isolate North Korea from the rest of the world and undermine international efforts to bring peace and stability to Northeast Asia.

"We continue to urge the North Korean leadership to heed President Obama's call to choose the path of peace and come into compliance with its international obligations," said National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden.

This past week, Glyn Davies, the top U.S. envoy on North Korea, ended trips to South Korea, China and Japan. On Friday, an adviser to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe returned from North Korea but didn't immediately give details of his talks with officials there.

On Monday, North Korean state media showed that the country's hard-line defense minister had been replaced by a little-known army general. Outside analysts said it was part of leader Kim Jong Un's efforts to tighten his grip on the powerful military after his father Kim Jong Il died in December 2011.

The United States and Japan are participants in six-nation nuclear disarmament talks along with North and South Korea, Russia and China. North Korea walked out of the talks in 2009 after the United Nations condemned it for a long-range rocket launch.

North Korea possesses an array of missiles. U.S. and South Korean officials do not believe the North's claim that it has developed nuclear warheads small enough to place on a missile. Last week in Washington, South Korean President Park Geun-hye and President Barack Obama warned North Korea against further nuclear provocations.

Tension between the two Koreas remains high after both sides pulled out their workers from a jointly run factory complex earlier this year. The countries remain technically at war after the 1950-53 Korean War ended in a truce instead of a peace treaty.

Associated Press


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Business Tax Relief Help | Tax Amnesty

A big advantage of working from home is the tax benefits of operating a home based business. Working from home allows you to deduct portions of bills that you are already paying to live there. You can deduct home expenses if you actually work in your home. It is easiest to do this if you have a room set aside for your business. Measure out how big that room is in proportion to the house, and you can deduct expenses using that percentage. For example, if your place of doing business takes up 5% of your house, you can deduct 5% of your heating expenses for the days you work. (In other words, if you don't work weekends, you can't deduct for weekends.) You can deduct items such as mortgage interest (though not your mortgage itself), electricity, telephone, insurance, and expenses for maintenance and repair. In general, you can deduct the portion of expenses that directly relates to your business. You can deduct costs for your internet service provider in proportion to the amount you use it for your business, too. If it's used completely for business you can deduct it all, but be certain before you do this that you are not using it for other reasons. Having a CPA do your taxes for you has major benefits. They have computer software made up by tax pros and former IRS workers that you wouldn't ever be able to use unless you went through lots of accounting training. Be 100% honest with your CPA about everything. If you are called in for an audit your CPA will tell you to say nothing but your name and your CPA does all the talking. The IRS has to find mistakes not you. If a CPA does your tax you will get deductions you would never know to take and your CPA will also take away deductions you cannot legitimately take. A CPA will cost you more but will get you much more back. Tax filings done by CPAs are far less likely to be called in for audits because the IRS knows the CPA's reputation is at stake with every tax form filled out and so the CPA will be very careful that every little detail is done correctly. Keep a separate notebook for tax deductions and on each page make a heading for all possible deductions like advertising, supplies, repair parts, phone, computer, etc. and write them down and save ALL your receipts in a separate large envelope. Write your deductions in this notebook, everyday, as they happen. Remember, your tax preparation is a daily, year round effort and is an important part of your business. Write everything in your notebook that could be a deduction and then at the end of the year let your CPA decide what is and is not a deduction. He or she knows and you don't. It is their job to know. This way you won't miss out on any deductions you don't know for sure on and you won't take any deductions you don't have coming. Pretty neat huh? You will get a lot bigger income tax refund this way and have a clear conscience you did all the right things and you will not have any worries about a scary IRS audit. Talk over with your CPA what he thinks about the way you are keeping records and learn from him or her better ways to do it. They will usually have valuable tips for you to help you run your business better. This chit chat at the end of your tax preparation is invaluable to you. The tax benefits of operating a home based business enable you to deduct things you would otherwise be paying in full. If you are considering a business from home, it's a good way to lower your costs. This is just one more advantage of working from home. Source: Plus my own life business tax experience of over 40 years

Frequently Asked Questions

    Why do Democrats not understand the differrence between a hand back and a hand out?
    Giving Americans and small business tax relief is "handing back" taxes they already paid

    Compared to what Obama wants to do

    And that is tax those who work and those who run small business to give hand outs to those unwilling to work.

    Does anyone care how their Presidential candidate has voted in the Senate?
    Are you looking at the Senate record to see how each candidate has voted?
    Is it important how McCain voted regarding middle class tax cuts? Or if he gave relief for small businesses.
    Why do you think it is important how McCain and Obama voted as our US Senators?

    Here are some examples from the Government Senate website:

    You can see each Senator's vote. Look at McCain's vote. Compare to Obama and Biden.

    H.R. 976 (Small Business Tax Relief Act of 2007 )
    Measure Title: A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax relief for small businesses, and for other purposes.

    S.Amdt. 477 to S.Con.Res. 21
    Statement of Purpose: To provide for a budget point of order against legislation that increases income taxes on taxpayers, including hard-working middle-income families, entrepreneurs, and college students.

    This should help you decide who you should vote for.

    Senator McCain on earmarks:

    Who exactly does the new tax relief apply to?
    Does anybody know who this new tax relief package applies to? I read the new tax relief will give MOST tax payers. But it didn't say all. ???
    OK, I'm seeming to not get answers I'm looking for. What I mean is, what about those who didn't even make 00? I already know if you made a lot of money you get a bigger tax relief check. Does this mean anybody that's only made under 00 a year don't get ANY MONEY BACK FROM THE TAX RELIEF?

    • ANSWER:
      I have to take a "hit" at the guy complaining about the tax relief.

      Okay, its like this. Im self employed. Every year I have to pay an increasing "self employment" tax. That is SS and Medicare. I currently pay over 15% of my income into that garbage. That is 15% that every year increases. Money that I will NEVER see! Money that if saved for my retirement, could make me quite comfortable. Money that could pass onto my heirs. (SS and medicare will dry up long before Im 65)

      Then, after paying that crap, I have to pay an additional almost 30% for FICA (federal income). So that is almost 1/2 of every dollar I make.

      If you are complaining about the "rich" lets look at the last tax cuts that were done. The fact is the treasury had more money come in AFTER the tax cuts! Let people have their money and they spend it. They buy things and people work. Companies profit and and reinvest. The government takes in more money.

      The fact is that if you give a poor guy 0 he buys a TV. (even though he paid [FAQ-ANSWER] in taxes). You give a rich guy ,000 back and he hires people and reinvests in his business. (he paid 0,000 in taxes).

      So what does this all mean? That explains why the rich get richer. They KNOW what to do with money. The poor guy does not.

      Written by a small business owner. (Dont call me rich. I cut grass) but I aint stooopid!

    Will I as a small business owner be forced to provide health insurance for my employees if Obamacare is passed?

    I have 3 employees and myself. What are the rules? I can barely afford to keep them the way it is but I am doing my best and they appreciate it because they can't find a job anywhere right now. I can also barely afford Work comp that is required of me...So, which is better, no job and business or giving me and other small business owners breaks and tax relief and workers comp relief ? TELL ME?

    I need to find a good safe tax relief company?
    We owe about 30,000 in taxes and we were told that there are tax relief places out there that can help us settle for less. My problem is there is so many places and I dont know who to use and I don't want to get ripped off. Has anyone used these place and know a good one?

    • ANSWER:
      Don't use JK Harris. They have been sued by 15 states.
      The ads are not accurate. The IRS only accepts about 20% of the Offers in Compromise.
      You can call H&R Block and they can assigned an Enrolled Agent who can represent you to the IRS.
      In fact any CPA is also allowed to represent clients to the IRS.
      The whole "tax relief" business is a scam. Places like JK Harris charge you around 00 and then they don't do anything

      Please see this article.

      You may have to work some kind of long term monthly payment plan.
      Please don't get ripped off by the tax settlement businesses.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, finance, taxes by . Bookmark the permalink.


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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jamie Krauss Hess: The 5 Biggest Changes You'll Find in Fire Island Pines This Summer

It's that time of year again: time to buff up, bare all and hit the beach. Any good gay knows that Fire Island, specifically the Pines region, is one of the most beautiful, historic and hedonistic summer destinations in the world. You may also know that the Pines had it rough over the past couple of years. A devastating fire leveled the beloved Pavilion nightclub in 2011, and Hurricane Sandy took its toll in 2012. But much like the resilient population that inhabits its shores, the Pines won't be quieted. In the face of adversity, it rises up stronger than before. And how could it not? This year marks the Pines' 60th anniversary. Here are five things that will make summer 2013 in the Pines the best one ever... and why you'll want to be there to experience it.

  • The Pavilion

    Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, so goes the Pavilion. Finally rebuilt after the fire that demolished it two years ago, the space was reimagined by the acclaimed design firm Hollwich Kushner (HWKN). The resurrected venue includes a first-floor Welcome Bar and a second floor that boasts a 2,760-square-foot terrace outside and a 2,000-square-foot dance floor inside. "We designed the new Pavilion around the Fire Island community," says Matthias Hollwich, co-founder of HWKN. "The building forms intimate spaces out of a single volume." Hollwich adds, "Aside from designing a building with personality, our primary focus was to recreate the social engine that was so unique to the famed Pavilion of the '90s."

  • Reclaiming The Beat

    Legendary New York promoter Tony Fornabaio has signed on as Entertainment Director, promising to bring back the true "sound of the Pines." Once known for its cutting-edge music, the Pines was the birthplace of a unique set of sexy, sultry sounds -- a special brand of beachy house and nuevo disco. "We're looking to recapture the unique sound the island used to have," explains Fornabaio. "Musically, the island has moved away from what it used to be. It's become reliant on pop music. While there is nothing wrong with pop, it is our intention to bring back that memorable, soulful sound that Fire Island is known for." Just what does this mean? Take a look at the opening-weekend lineup. With disco legends like Robbie Leslie and Michael Fierman commanding the DJ booth, the dance floor is sure to be awash in that sexy Fire Island vibe. Nostalgia not your thing? Don't worry. Eddie Elias and Tony Moran are on hand Saturday night to deliver their special brand of beats, treats and hard-hitting circuit sounds. <em>(Photo courtesy of the <a href="" target="_blank">Fire Island Pines Historical Preservation Society</a>)</em>

  • Art And Programming

    Let's face it: Sometimes the Pines gets a bad rap. People think it's all about partying, hot guys and... <em>ahem</em>... you know what. True, the Pines vacationer traditionally likes to get his drink on, and there's nothing wrong with a little cruising during High Tea. But this summer, the Pines will up the cultural ante with an elevated roster of interesting, innovative programming and an infusion of visual and performance art. When the Pavilion is not busy pumping out beats from its state-of-the-art sound system, it will play host to variety shows (comedians, drag shows, vaudeville and burlesque), as well as the return of the popular "Boardwalk Talks" series, which, last year, offered discussions with the likes of Larry Kramer. Ben Rimalower is performing his one-man show <em>Patti Issues</em> throughout the summer, Haus of Mimosa will bring a hilarious review unlike anything you've ever seen, and the infamous Candis Cayne will be back in the Pines frequently, bringing her trademark glamor and pizazz. Art will be another main focus this summer, appearing in ways Pinesgoers have never experienced. Matthew Blesso (CEO of Blesso Properties, the managing owner of the Pines) is known for infusing art into everything he does (take a look at his Tantalo Hotel in Panama City) and has planned for a major art infusion to run throughout the commercial district. Dotting the landscape will be sculptures, murals and temporary installations curated from a global portfolio of artists. Be prepared for an exciting upgrade with this forward-thinking aesthetic. Trust us, this ain't your granddaddy's Pines experience!

  • Upgraded Hospitality Experience

    Because between all the partying, you <em>are</em> on vacation, after all! General Manager Constantino Papadakis promises a fully upgraded, unmatched hospitality experience for residents, guests and daytrip visitors alike. "Fire Island is a magical getaway for people, and we want to make sure that every person who steps off the ferry is made to feel welcome and accommodated," he explains. "Bartenders that are smiling and friendly, highly trained wait staff and a management team that helps people navigate the intricate ins and outs of the island -- this finely tuned staff will be in place, and available to our guests like never before." The food and beverage experience has changed too, with the introduction of all-new menus at the Canteen and Blue Whale that include organic and gluten-free options. The wine selection is all locally sourced from wineries in upstate New York and Long Island, and master mixologiest Sean Labbe (Top of the Standard, aka the "Boom Boom Room") will ensure that drinks at the Pool Deck, the Pavilion and the Blue Whale and the smoothies at the Muscle Bar are all over-the-top creative. As if you needed <em>another</em> reason to get tipsy.

  • Sustainability And Philanthropy

    In the midst of sunny, beachy days and wild, salacious nights, it's nice to also feel that you've done something good for humanity and the environment. The Pines has got you covered. Blesso has enacted a sustainability plan for summer 2013 that has never been attempted in the Pines. In addition to composting food for fertilizer and introducing an updated recycling program, they acquired all "green" materials for food and beverage service, including sourcing biodegradable materials for the 200,000-plus cups used for serving booze (yes, folks, that's how many drinks you go through in a summer!). Charitable efforts abound all summer long, kicked off by the Worldwide Orphans fundraiser in July, which will be hosted by Rosie O'Donnell. Papadakis is also cultivating a wide range of charitable partnerships, including the launch of the HERO program, which will offer discounts to public safety service personnel, such as members of the military, law enforcement and firefighters.


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Pope leads pep rally at Vatican, meets with Merkel

VATICAN CITY (AP) ? Pope Francis toured St. Peter's Square to greet tens of thousands of people attending a rally of prayer, music and speeches Saturday, and he embraced the brother of a Pakistani politician who was assassinated in his country after calling for greater religious freedom for Christians there.

Earlier in the day, the pope met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who made a brief visit to Rome, mindful of the importance of Christian voters back home during the election she faces in September. She joined the pope in expressing concern about the many victims of Europe's economic crisis.

Francis, who is Argentine, has picked up on campaigns by the two previous popes, the Polish John Paul II and German Benedict XVI, to reinvigorate what the Catholic church sees as flagging religious enthusiasm on a continent with Christian roots, including dwindling number of churchgoers in much of Western Europe.

The vast cobblestone square outside St. Peter's Basilica is traditionally the boundary for pontiffs greeting the faithful at outdoor Vatican gatherings, but Pope Francis keeps stretching the boundaries.

Riding in an open-topped white jeep, Francis zipped through the square to greet the faithful who had been waiting for hours for his arrival at the evening rally designed to encourage Catholics to strengthen their faith. The Vatican estimated the crowd at 200,000.

Waving cheerfully and sometimes blowing kisses to the cheering crowd, Francis kept going in his pope mobile past the edge of the square and halfway down the Rome boulevard that leads from the Vatican to the Tiber River before turning back. The route took him past cafes, souvenir shops and a hotel popular with pilgrims.

Francis also embraced Paul Bhatti, a speaker at the rally. His brother Shahbaz, a Pakistani government minister, was assassinated in 2011 after urging reform of a blasphemy law in Pakistan that had targeted Christians.

Earlier in the day, Merkel spoke privately for 45 minutes with the pope at the Apostolic Palace.

Her Christian Democrat party depends heavily on support from Protestant and Catholic voters in Germany, and the chat and photo opportunity could be a welcome campaign boost for a leader largely identified by Europe's economically suffering citizens as a champion of debt reduction, including painful austerity across much of the continent.

For its part, the Vatican is eager for allies in its campaign to anchor European societies more solidly in their heritage of Christian roots. The church also seeks support on behalf of Christians who face persecution in the world.

The suffering of Europeans caught in the continent's grip of joblessness and other economic woes also dominated the pope's concerns. On Thursday, Francis blasted what he called a "cult of money" in a global financial system that ends up tyrannizing, not helping, the world's poor.

"It's not just an economic crisis," but an existential problem depressing morale, Francis told the rally. "It's a deep crisis. We just cannot worry about ourselves ... close ourselves in a sense of helplessness."

The pontiff urged people to help the needy, especially on the margins of societies.

Merkel, asked by reporters about the pope's scathing criticism of the global financial system, said they spoke about regulation of financial markets.

"The regulation of the financial markets is our central problem, our central task," Merkel said. "We are moving ahead, but we are not yet where we want to be, where we could say that a derailment of the guard rails of social market won't happen again."

Merkel added: "It ought to be like this: The economy is there to serve the people. In the last few years, this hasn't been the case at all everywhere."

Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and especially Greece have seen governments concentrate on debt reduction while slashing state spending. With growth stymied, unemployment, especially among young people, has soared. Businesses, many of them family-run in southern Europe, have failed as bank lending dried up.

The chancellor said the pope had stressed the world needs a strong and just Europe.

Merkel is campaigning for re-election in September's general election. Half of Germany's population is Catholic. In Bavaria there is a strong conservative and Catholic tradition.

According to a Vatican statement, Francis and Merkel also discussed "safeguarding human rights, the persecutions faced by Christians" and religious freedom.

"I see continuity in the missionary aspect, in becoming aware of the importance of Christianity for our Christian roots," said Merkel, adding that the "simple and touching words" of Francis, who was elected pontiff two months ago, are already reaching people.


AP correspondent Kirsten Grieshaber contributed from Berlin.


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NYSE cancels irregular trades in Anadarko stock: Bloomberg

(Reuters) - The New York Stock Exchange canceled trades in Anadarko Petroleum Corp after a blip in trading cut the market value of the company by 99 percent, according to a report in Bloomberg.

Trading in the shares of the $45.15 billion company plunged to trade at 1 cent per share shortly before markets closed on Friday. The stock gained back its losses and closed up 2.5 pct $90.03 on the New York Stock Exchange.

NYSE Euronext canceled trades executed at or below $87.56, the news agency said. (

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission had approved a program named "limit up-limit down" in June to reduce volatility of stock trades. The program would halt the trading of U.S.-listed stocks if they moved outside a recently traded price range.

However, the Houston-based company's trades occurred after 1530 ET, when the program is not in effect, Bloomberg reported.

Both NYSE Euronext and Anadarko could not be immediately reached for comment outside regular U.S. business hours.

(Reporting by Pallavi Ail in Bangalore; Editing by Eric Walsh)


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Hagel orders review of sex-abuse prevention

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel gestures as he speaks during a news conference at the Pentagon, Friday, May 17, 2013, to discuss sexual assaults in the military and the promotion of Lt. Gen. Curtis "Mike" Scaparrotti to command U.S. troops in South Korea, among other topics. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel gestures as he speaks during a news conference at the Pentagon, Friday, May 17, 2013, to discuss sexual assaults in the military and the promotion of Lt. Gen. Curtis "Mike" Scaparrotti to command U.S. troops in South Korea, among other topics. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel gestures as he speaks during a news conference at the Pentagon, Friday, May 17, 2013, to discuss sexual assaults in the military and the promotion of Lt. Gen. Curtis "Mike" Scaparrotti to command U.S. troops in South Korea, among other topics. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey gestures as he speaks during a news conference at the Pentagon, Friday, May 17, 2013, to discuss sexual assaults in the military and the promotion of Lt. Gen. Curtis "Mike" Scaparrotti to command U.S. troops in South Korea, among other topics. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

(AP) ? Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Friday ordered the military to recertify all 25,000 people involved in programs designed to prevent and respond to sexual assault, an acknowledgement that assaults have escalated beyond the Pentagon's control.

He said this step, which also applies to the military's approximately 19,000 recruiters and must be completed by July 1, is one among many that will be taken to fix the problem of sexual abuse and sexual harassment within every branch of the military.

At a news conference with Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hagel said he believes alcohol use is "a very big factor" in many sexual assault and sexual harassment cases, but there are many pieces to the problem.

He and Dempsey spoke one day after all of the military's leadership were summoned to the White House to discuss the sexual assault problem with President Barack Obama, who has expressed impatience with the Pentagon's failure to solve it.

At his Pentagon news conference, Hagel said it has become clear to him since taking office in February that holding people accountable for their actions is important, but simply firing people is not a solution. He said he gets a lot of advice on that.

He said some ask him, "Well, why don't you just fire some people?" He said his answer is, "Well, yeah, we could do that. And, you know, who are you going to fire?"

Hagel signed a one-page memorandum addressed to the uniformed chiefs and civilian heads of each of the military services requiring that the credentials and qualifications of all recruiters, sexual assault response coordinators and sexual assault victim advocates be reviewed to ensure that they meet current standards. They also will be given refresher training on professional ethics and the impact of violations.

"I am concerned that this department may be nearing a stage where the frequency of this crime ? and the perception that there is tolerance of it ? could very well undermine our ability to effectively carry out the mission, and to recruit and retain good people," Hagel wrote.

A catalyst for congressional outrage has been the disclosure in recent days of at least two cases in which a military member with responsibility for sexual assault prevention programs has himself been accused of sexual misconduct. Cases of sexual assault allegations against military recruiters also have arisen recently.

Dempsey, who has been among the most outspoken Pentagon official on this topic, called sexual assault in the military "a crime that demands accountability and consequences."

"As the president made clear to us yesterday, we can and must do more to change a culture that has become too complacent," Dempsey said. "We have a serious problem that we must solve: aggressive sexual behavior that rips at the bond of trust that binds us together."

Earlier Friday, the Air Force's top general said that sexual assaults in his branch of the military typically involve alcohol use and can be traced to a lack of respect for women.

"We have a problem with respect for women that leads to many of the situations that result in sexual assault in our Air Force," Gen. Mark Welsh told reporters in a lengthy interview in his Pentagon offices.

Welsh said combatting the problem, which he characterized as a crisis, is his No. 1 priority as the Air Force chief of staff. He said he reviews every reported case of sexual assault; last year there were 792 in the Air Force.

Welsh addressed criticism about his comment last week, in response to questions at a congressional hearing, that the problem can be explained in part by a "hook-up mentality" in the wider society. Some said his remark implied that the blame rests mainly with victims.

"If I had this to do over again, I would take more time to answer the question and not try to compress it," he said, adding that his point was that every person who enters the Air Force needs to be instructed in "this idea of respect, inclusion, diversity and value of every individual."

"Now, I didn't say it that way in the hearing, and I wish I had because I think it gave, especially victims, the opportunity for someone to interpret what I said as blaming the victims," he said, adding that as a result, "I am sorry about that because there is nothing that is farther from the truth."

Obama said after Thursday's meeting with the military leaders that he is determined to eliminate the "scourge" of sexual assault in the military, while cautioning that it will take a long and sustained effort by all military members.

"There is no silver bullet to solving this problem," Obama said.

"We will not stop until we've seen this scourge, from what is the greatest military in the world, eliminated," he told reporters.

Senior military officers are speaking about the problem with increasing bluntness and expressions of regret. Dempsey, the Joint Chiefs chairman, on Wednesday called it a "crisis" in the ranks, and on Thursday the Army chief of staff, Gen. Ray Odierno, publicly acknowledged his service's efforts are "failing."

"They care about this and they are angry about it," Obama said.

"Not only is it a crime, not only is it shameful and disgraceful, but it also is going to make and has made the military less effective than it can be," the president said.

Those summoned to the White House by Obama included not just Hagel, Dempsey and the chiefs of each military service but also the civilian heads of each service and senior enlisted advisers.

"I heard directly from all of them that they are ashamed by some of what's happened," Obama said.

The president added that because assault victims may be more likely now to come forward with complaints, the number of reported assaults may increase in the short run.

"I then want those trend lines to start going down because that indicates that we're also starting to fix the problem and we've highlighted it, and people who are engaged in despicable behavior, they get fully punished for it," Obama said.

The problem, which has plagued the military for decades, has been thrust to the fore by recent cases, including that of an Air Force officer who headed a sexual assault prevention office but was himself arrested for sexual battery.

On Thursday, Army officials said the manager of the sexual assault response program at Fort Campbell, Ky., had been relieved of his post after his arrest in a domestic dispute with his ex-wife. The program he managed was meant to prevent sexual harassment and assault and encourage equal opportunity.

"It is time we take on the fight against sexual assault and sexual harassment as our primary mission," Odierno said.

A Pentagon report last week estimated that as many as 26,000 military members may have been sexually assaulted last year, based on survey results, out of 1.4 million in the services.

That report, and a recent series of arrests and other sexual assault problems across the military, have triggered a rush of initiatives from the Pentagon and proposed legislation on Capitol Hill.


Associated Press writers Darlene Superville and Donna Cassata contributed to this report.


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Friday, May 17, 2013

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Gene involved in neurodegeneration keeps clock running: Scientists identify another gene important to morning wake-up call

May 16, 2013 ? Northwestern University scientists have shown a gene involved in neurodegenerative disease also plays a critical role in the proper function of the circadian clock.

In a study of the common fruit fly, the researchers found the gene, called Ataxin-2, keeps the clock responsible for sleeping and waking on a 24-hour rhythm. Without the gene, the rhythm of the fruit fly's sleep-wake cycle is disturbed, making waking up on a regular schedule difficult for the fly.

The discovery is particularly interesting because mutations in the human Ataxin-2 gene are known to cause a rare disorder called spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) and also contribute to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. People with SCA suffer from sleep abnormalities before other symptoms of the disease appear.

This study linking the Ataxin-2 gene with abnormalities in the sleep-wake cycle could help pinpoint what is causing these neurodegenerative diseases as well as provide a deeper understanding of the human sleep-wake cycle.

The findings will be published May 17 in the journal Science. Ravi Allada, M.D., professor of neurobiology in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, and Chunghun Lim, a postdoctoral fellow in his lab, are authors of the paper.

Period (per) is a well-studied gene in fruit flies that encodes a protein, called PER, which regulates circadian rhythm. Allada and Lim discovered that Ataxin-2 helps activate translation of PER RNA into PER protein, a key step in making the circadian clock run properly.

"It's possible that Ataxin-2's function as an activator of protein translation may be central to understanding how, when you mutate the gene and disrupt its function, it may be causing or contributing to diseases such as ALS or spinocerebellar ataxia," Allada said.

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a model organism for scientists studying the sleep-wake cycle because the fly's genes are highly conserved with the genes of humans.

"I like to say that flies sleep similarly to humans, except flies don't use pillows," said Allada, who also is associate director for Northwestern's Center for Sleep and Circadian Biology. The biological timing mechanism for all animals comes from a common ancestor hundreds of millions of years ago.

Ataxin-2 is the second gene in a little more than two years that Northwestern researchers have identified as a core gear of the circadian clock, and the two genes play similar roles.

Allada, Lim and colleagues in 2011 reported their discovery of a gene, which they dubbed "twenty-four," that plays a role in translating the PER protein, keeping the sleep-wake cycle on a 24-hour rhythm.

Allada and Lim wanted to better understand how twenty-four works, so they looked at proteins that associate with twenty-four. They found the twenty-four protein sticking to ATAXIN-2 and decided to investigate further. In their experiments, reported in Science, Allada and Lim discovered the Ataxin-2 and twenty-four genes appear to be partners in PER protein translation.

"We've really started to define a pathway that regulates the circadian clock and seems to be especially important in a specific group of neurons that governs the fly's morning wake-up," Allada said. "We saw that the molecular and behavioral consequences of losing Ataxin-2 are nearly the same as losing twenty-four."

As is the case in a mutation of the twenty-four gene, when the Ataxin-2 gene is not present, very little PER protein is found in the circadian pacemaker neurons of the brain, and the fly's sleep-wake rhythm is disturbed.


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7 Egyptian security personnel abducted in Sinai

FILE - This undated file photo released by NASA, taken from 175 miles up by Gemini II, shows the Sinai Peninsula, center, in Egypt. Suspected militants in Egypt's Sinai abducted six security personnel as they headed to Cairo for holidays early Thursday, May 16, 2013, security officials said, the first such kidnapping of security forces in the increasingly lawless peninsula.(AP Photo/NASA, File)

FILE - This undated file photo released by NASA, taken from 175 miles up by Gemini II, shows the Sinai Peninsula, center, in Egypt. Suspected militants in Egypt's Sinai abducted six security personnel as they headed to Cairo for holidays early Thursday, May 16, 2013, security officials said, the first such kidnapping of security forces in the increasingly lawless peninsula.(AP Photo/NASA, File)

FILE - In this Wednesday, May 8, 2013 file photo, Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi attends a bi-lateral signing ceremony with Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff, at the Planalto presidential palace in Brasilia, Brazil. In their latest face-off with Egypt's Islamist rulers, the country's top council of judges decided Wednesday, May 15, 2013 to suspend its participation in a government-backed judicial reform conference following a renewed push by lawmakers on a controversial bill that would force thousands of their colleagues into retirement. The Supreme Judicial Council said in statement published by the state news agency MEAN that it was backing out of the "Justice Conference" expected for later this month. It had been sponsored by Egypt's Islamist President Morsi, and judges were supposed to come up with a plan to remake their institution. (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres, File)

(AP) ? Suspected militants in Egypt's Sinai abducted seven security personnel as they headed to Cairo for holidays early Thursday, security officials said. It was the first such kidnapping of security forces in the lawless peninsula.

The officials said masked gunmen ambushed two taxis at gunpoint outside the city of el-Arish, the capital of North Sinai governorate, fleeing with five policemen and one border guard captive. None of those abducted were in uniform, officials said.

Four of the policemen work in the Rafah border terminal leading to the Gaza Strip, and one was in a riot police unit deployed in Sinai. The border guard was a member of the military. The taxi drivers reported that a seventh member of the security forces was also kidnapped, but authorities said they are still trying to identify him.

Security in the Sinai has deteriorated sharply in the two years since the overthrow of longtime authoritarian ruler Hosni Mubarak, as it has elsewhere across the country A surge in crime as well as clashes between Islamist backers of President Mohammed Morsi and his opponents have combined with economic woes to feed the sense of insecurity.

A new poll released by the Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Projects said only 30 percent of Egyptians polled see the country on the right track, compared to 53 percent surveyed in 2012, and 65 percent in 2011.

"Today's level of satisfaction is comparable to the level observed in spring 2010," almost a year before the uprising, the Center's report said.

In the poll, 44 percent of Egyptians surveyed say law and order in the country was getting worse. Conducted in March, the poll describes a divided nation, with 53 percent viewing Islamist President Mohammed Morsi favorably, and only 46 percent expressing confidence that upcoming elections would be fair.

Morsi's opponents are planning rallies Friday in which they demand that he step down and that early presidential elections be held.

The poll surveyed 1,000 Egyptians with a 4.3 percent margin of error.

The abduction in the Sinai is the latest incident to highlight the rise of Islamist militant groups there. Along with Bedouin tribal gangs involved in smuggling and other criminal activity, they have taken advantage of the security vacuum there to step up attacks on police stations, security convoys and other targets.

Security officials say Thursday's kidnapping was carried out by militant groups known to the authorities who are hiding in North Sinai's rugged mountains. Two officials said the kidnapping came after the mother of an imprisoned militant claimed that her son was tortured in detention, causing his eyesight to fail. The imprisoned militant is sentenced to death for attacking a police station in the early days after Mubarak's ouster.

The officials said authorities were sending the family to visit their son in prison again and provide him with necessary medical attention in a bid to defuse anger over his treatment, and secure the safety of the captive security personnel.

They said contact was established with the kidnappers, adding that representatives of the presidency and the military are reaching out to militants and mediators to secure the hostages' release. They spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the new instructions with the media. Egypt's state news agency MENA reported that negotiations with the kidnappers were underway through mediators, but also didn't elaborate.

In a statement, Morsi pledged to continue efforts to secure the release of the captives, calling for the "protection of the lives" of both the "abducted and the kidnappers." He said that the solutions to Sinai's problems should not be through "abductions and terrorizing citizens."

Local tribes accuse the central government of discrimination, neglect, and police brutality. Tribal Bedouins have briefly kidnapped foreigners to use them as bargaining chips with authorities, urging them to release imprisoned relatives.

The security officials said forces in the Sinai were on high alert, particularly along the border with the Gaza Strip. Movement was restricted for the multinational forces stationed in Sinai since the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was signed in 1979, the officials added.

Egypt's military has carried out sweeps in the peninsula since a militant attack against its troops that left 16 soldiers killed in August 2012. It was the most brazen militant assault on Egyptian troops in modern history. Still, the attackers have not been apprehended or publicly identified.

The volatile northern Sinai borders Hamas-ruled Gaza as well as Israel. Weapons flowed into the peninsula from Libya to the area, adding to the security challenge.

Morsi had pledged to restore security to the peninsula. Officials from the presidency at one point negotiated with locals to ease off on the crackdown and the pursuit of fugitives. In exchange, locals were to refrain from attacks on authorities or cross-border raids on Israel.

The U.S. has repeatedly discussed the situation in Sinai with Egyptian authorities and offered security and border control advice.

On Thursday, Prime Minister Hesham Kandil was quoted by MENA as saying that investigation into the killing of the 16 soldiers is still ongoing. "Egypt is cooperating fully with neighboring countries to combat terrorism," he said.


Associated Press Writer Ashraf Sweilam contributed to this report from southern Sinai.

Associated Press


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Outrage over latest military sex case

WASHINGTON (AP) ? Lawmakers say they're outraged that for the second time this month a member of the armed forces assigned to help prevent sexual assaults in the military is under investigation for alleged sexual misconduct.

The back-to-back Army and Air Force cases highlight a problem that is drawing increased scrutiny in Congress and expressions of frustration from Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel. Lawmakers said it was time for Hagel to get tough with the military brass.

"This is sickening. Twice now, in a matter of as many weeks, we've seen the very people charged with protecting victims of sexual assault being charged as perpetrators," Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., said. "It's an astonishing reminder that the Pentagon has both a major problem on its hands and a tremendous amount of work to do to assure victims ? who already only report a small fraction of sexual assaults ? that they are changing the culture around these heinous crimes.

"Secretary Hagel needs to act swiftly to re-examine sexual assault services across the department to ensure that these disturbing betrayals of trust are ended," Murray said.

Hagel said he was directing all the services to retrain, re-credential and rescreen all sexual assault prevention and response personnel and military recruiters, his spokesman, George Little, said after Tuesday's announcement that a sergeant first class at Fort Hood, Texas, was accused of pandering, abusive sexual contact, assault and maltreatment of subordinates.

The soldier, whose name was not released, was being investigated by the Army Criminal Investigation Command. No charges had been filed.

Little said Hagel was angry and disappointed at "these troubling allegations and the breakdown in discipline and standards they imply." He said Hagel met with Army Secretary John McHugh earlier Tuesday and ordered him to "fully investigate this matter rapidly, to discover the extent of these allegations and to ensure that all of those who might be involved are dealt with appropriately."

The Fort Hood soldier had been assigned as an equal opportunity adviser and coordinator of a sexual harassment-assault prevention program at the Army's 3rd Corps headquarters when the allegation arose, the Army said.

"To protect the integrity of the investigative process and the rights of all persons involved, no more information will be released at this time," an Army statement said.

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Howard P. "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., said in a statement he was "outraged and disgusted by the reports out of Fort Hood."

McKeon, noting he has a granddaughter in the Army, said he saw "no meaningful distinction between complacency or complicity in the military's latest failure to uphold their own standards of conduct. Nor do I see a distinction between the service member who orchestrated this offense and the chain of command that was either oblivious to or tolerant of criminal behavior. Both are accountable for this appalling breach of trust with their subordinates."

He called on Hagel to conduct a review of the military and its civilian leadership "to determine whether they continue to hold his trust and his confidence to lead in this area."

Just last week an Air Force officer who headed a sexual assault prevention office was himself arrested on charges of groping a woman in a Northern Virginia parking lot.

Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a statement his panel was considering a number of measures to counter the problem, including changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and will act on them next month.

"Tragically, the depth of the sexual assault problem in our military was already overwhelmingly clear before this latest highly disturbing report," Levin said.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., said she intends to present new comprehensive legislation on Thursday to overhaul the military justice system by removing chain-of-command influence from prosecution of sex abuse crimes.

"To say this report is disturbing would be a gross understatement," Gillibrand said.

"The sad thing is that this is not a unique case,"Anu Bhagwati, former Marine captain and executive director of the Service Women's Action Network, said in an interview. "Week after week, we're hearing of cases across the branches of military leaders taking advantage of their positions of authority. "

The Pentagon is struggling with what it calls a growing epidemic of sexual assaults across the military. In a report last week, the Defense Department estimated that as many as 26,000 military members may have been sexually assaulted last year, based on survey results.

Of those, fewer than 3,400 reported the incident, and nearly 800 of them simply sought help but declined to file formal complaints against their alleged attackers.

There also is an ongoing investigation into more than 30 Air Force instructors for assaults on trainees at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, and the recent arrest of the Air Force's head of sexual assault prevention on charges of groping a woman.

An Arlington County, Va., police report said Air Force Lt. Col. Jeffrey Krusinski was drunk and grabbed a woman's breast and buttocks in a parking lot earlier this month. The woman fought him off and called police, the report said. A judge has set a July 18 trial date for Krusinski.

Congressional anger over these incidents and two recent decisions by officers to overturn juries' guilty verdicts in sexual assault cases has precipitated a storm of criticism on Capitol Hill.

Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., is holding up the nomination of Air Force Lt. Gen. Susan Helms, tapped to serve as vice commander of the U.S. Space Command, until McCaskill gets more information about Helms' decision to overturn a jury conviction in a sexual assault case.


Associated Press writer Lolita C. Baldor and AP Radio editor Mike Gracia contributed to this report.


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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Scottish cardinal to atone for sexual misconduct

VATICAN CITY (AP) ? The Vatican on Wednesday ordered a disgraced Scottish cardinal to leave Scotland for several months to pray and atone for sexual misconduct, issuing a rare public sanction against a "prince of the church" and the first such punishment meted out by Pope Francis.

Cardinal Keith O'Brien resigned as archbishop of St. Andrews and Edinburgh and recused himself from the March conclave that elected Francis pope after a newspaper reported unnamed priests' allegations that he acted inappropriately toward them.

O'Brien subsequently acknowledged he had engaged in unspecified sexual misbehavior. He apologized and promised to stay out of the church's public life.

On Wednesday, the Vatican said O'Brien, once Britain's highest-ranking Catholic leader, would leave Scotland for several months of "spiritual renewal, prayer and penance" for the same reasons he decided not to participate in the conclave.

The statement didn't specify that the decision was imposed on O'Brien by the Vatican as punishment, and in fact went out of its way to suggest that the decision was O'Brien's. But in the past, wayward priests have been sanctioned by the Vatican with punishments of "prayer and penance," and the statement made clear Francis supported the move and that the Holy See would decide his future fate.

Such a sanction is very much in keeping with the church's legal tradition of making a public reparation for a scandal done to the church, said Austen Ivereigh, director of the Catholic Voices, a British-based Catholic advocacy group.

"Because there has been a public scandal, there has to be a public reparation in some way, and it is normal for somebody to be sent away," he said in a phone interview. "This is very much in that canonical tradition of making public reparation."

The issue is significant because victims of clerical abuse have long denounced the lack of accountability among the church hierarchy for having covered up the crimes of pedophile priests. In the church, bishops and cardinals have long been virtually untouchable.

Take American Cardinal Bernard Law, whose cover-up of pedophile priests in Boston was at the root of the U.S. church's sex abuse crisis: Law resigned in disgrace as archbishop of Boston in 2002, but he was given a plum job as archpriest of one of the Vatican's prime basilicas in Rome.

Even though O'Brien has not been accused of abusing minors, his case had been watched to see if Francis would dare take any action against a senior cardinal who had strayed.

The issue is delicate, given O'Brien's rank, but the message the Vatican sent Wednesday was clear.

"For a senior church member to be asked to leave the place of his residence for a period of penance and prayer, it's about as a strong a sanction as you can get before the standard canonical penalties about laicization" kick in, said Ivereigh. Laicization, or removing someone from the priesthood, might have been foreseen if he had sexually abused minors, but that doesn't apply in this case, he said.

The Vatican has refused to even confirm whether it was investigating the allegations against O'Brien, even though the Scottish Catholic Church's media office said the complaints had been forwarded to Rome and that it expected an investigation.

The Vatican spokesman declined to provide further explanation Wednesday and the spokesman for the Scottish church declined to comment beyond the Vatican statement. O'Brien was unavailable, the Scottish church said.

Scottish media reported that after his resignation, O'Brien moved his belongings into a church-owned property in Dunbar where he had long planned to retire, but that Scottish bishops wanted him out of the country given the damage the revelations had caused the church's credibility.

The Herald newspaper reported that bishops had complained to the Vatican, asking it to take action for the sake of the faithful, after O'Brien was seen in public in Scotland.

Archbishop Philip Tartaglia, who is running the archdiocese until a successor to O'Brien is named, has spoken of the outrage directed at the church for the "hypocrisy" O'Brien's case revealed.

O'Brien was vehemently outspoken in his opposition to gay rights, condemning homosexuality and calling same-sex marriage "a grotesque subversion of a universally accepted human right." Last year, the gay rights group Stonewall named O'Brien "Bigot of the Year."

That he then admitted to engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior with men prompted gay rights groups to demand an apology.

"There is little doubt that the credibility and moral authority of the Catholic Church in Scotland has been dealt a serious blow, and we will need to come to terms with that," Tartaglia said in a March 4 homily after O'Brien resigned.

O'Brien initially rejected the claims, saying he was resigning because he did not want to distract from the conclave. He eventually admitted that there had been times "that my sexual conduct has fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal."

It wasn't clear what would happen to O'Brien after his months of prayer and penance. The Vatican statement said a decision would be "agreed with the Holy See."

In recent times, only one other cardinal has been taken to task for his failures: Cardinal Roger Mahony, the retired archbishop of Los Angeles.

In February, Mahony's successor, Archbishop Jose Gomez, stripped Mahony of his administrative duties in the archdiocese after court records showed how he shielded pedophile priests and failed to report child sex crimes to police.

It was an unprecedented public dressing-down of a cardinal, but it was done by an archbishop, not a punishment meted out by the Vatican.

In 1995, the Vatican forced Cardinal Hans Groer to resign as archbishop of Vienna over claims he molested youths in a monastery in the 1970s.


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