Friday, July 19, 2013

Israel PM Netanyahu Denies Agreement to Resume Peace Talks

Prime Minister Netanyahu shaking hands with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas as President Obama looks on.

Jerusalem Post ? Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu denied on Tuesday an official?s remarks that Israel had agreed to resume peace talks based on the borders of a Palestinian state being drawn along lines from before a 1967 Middle East war, and agreed land swaps. Mark Regev, a spokesman for Netanyahu, said ?the report is untrue,? calling Reuters with the statement after initially declining to comment on what the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The official had said that, were the Palestinians to accept the formula, it would be announced by US Secretary of State John Kerry now in Jordan, who would also describe the future Palestine as existing alongside a ?Jewish state? of Israel. Speculation has been rife that Kerry, now in the region for his sixth time since March in an effort to revive peace talks that deadlocked in 2010, may be close to a breakthrough.

Read full story.


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