Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Personal Injury Lawyers in Cleveland, Ohio | Social Media Dangers ...

Personal injury lawyers at Cleveland law firm, Mellino Robenalt, LLC, understand the many ways that an insurance company might attempt to undermine your personal injury claim. One of those techniques is by accessing your social media account, using your activity and the information you post against you.

Unfortunately, there are many social media dangers of which users may not be aware. One is sharing too much information online. This can be done in a variety of ways, from posting status updates and comments, to pictures and videos. Even the use of the ?like? button on certain pages can be damaging.

?Liking? a Page May Be Misconstrued

For instance, if you ?like? a page about your favorite band?s recent concert or a page about a race to support a cause you?re passionate about, you may not think much of it. However, some insurance companies may construe this to argue that you are physically active. Depending on your specific injuries, this may be very difficult to counter. If that?s the case, the insurance company may argue that your injuries are exaggerated in your claim.

Even if you did actually participate in these activities, it?s possible you did so in considerable discomfort. Perhaps you had tickets to the concert for months and attended in a wheelchair, or took other steps to still enjoy the show. Perhaps you went to the race event and cheered on your friends, but didn?t actually run or walk. And chances are, there are pictures to go along with these events that the insurance company may take and use out of context.

Don?t rely on common sense explanations to save you if the insurance company gets wind of your social media activity, pictures you post, and status updates you write. Make your account private, but still treat social media like it?s viewable by anybody, including insurance adjusters.

Seeking Help from a Lawyer?

There are other ways that social media can undermine your personal injury claim. Talk about your use of social media with an attorney. To learn about your legal options, set up your appointment with a personal injury lawyer in Cleveland by calling Mellino Robenalt, LLC at 888-457-1147 or 440-333-3800.

Filed under Serious Personal Injury.
Tags: Serious Personal Injury

Source: http://www.christophermellino.com/2012/10/what-you-like-on-social-media-may-impact-your-cleveland-personal-injury-claim/

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